Rated R for Mature Audiences

Module 2 was honestly the most intense module I have ever witnessed. I'm not sure if it was so difficult because of the personal issues I faced outside of class (the flu etc.) or if it was due to the module itself. But from everyone's comments, I believe it was probably just Mod 2 in general. I really really hated the R aspect because I didn't actually understand what I was doing and I honestly felt like the teachers were trying to fit in too much information. Not only did we have to understand what was happening in the class, but we also now had to understand R studio. Honestly, most of the students I know (including me) still don't understand R studio... Nevertheless, I found it to be interesting, I just wish that we were given the time to actually understand what we were doing. I was also very frustrated with the RNA-seq part and the qPCR part because we didn't actually get to obtain our results and there was a lot that was completed by the teaching faculty that we were expected to just kind of understand. However, I learn best by doing things and actually obtaining the results myself, which made it harder to write the Mod 2 report since I didn't have a deep enough understanding of how a lot of the data was generated. Module 1 was really enjoyable and I felt like I gained a better understanding than I did in this module especially because the information we were given in lectures was much clearer during the first module. While you could honestly get by without needing to understand code or some of the things quickly mentioned in the lectures like "Motifs" it was frustrating being thrown so many terms and ideas that I didn't really ever get the chance to understand deeply. This module covered an insane breadth with very little depth and caused several students (myself included) to really have trouble when it came to writing the report since it required deep knowledge of the subjects. However, I did enjoy writing the report when I finally understood what was going on and the order of the story that I wanted to tell. Additionally, it felt great to know that I was capable of writing such a long research paper entirely by myself.


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