The Problem of Procrastination

I'll admit it. I'm a procrastinator. Always have been... probably always will be. Despite my procrastination, I've managed to make it this far, so I think I'm doing pretty well. There are some moments, however, when I'm furiously typing as fast as my fingers will move, when I wish that procrastination was not so embedded in my work style. I always tell myself that the next assignment will be different, that I won't put myself in this same stressful situation. I told myself that I wouldn't procrastinate with the Mod 2 Research Article, but I did and it was awful.

1 week before due date:
Status of research article: some figures are kind of done
Me to myself: "I have plenty of time to finish the research article. Plus, it's a 4 day weekend"
Events: Parents are in town because is running Boston Marathon, I don't bring my work with me when I go to stay with them at their hotel

4 days before due date (Tuesday):
Status of research article: some figures are kind of done
Me to myself: "That was an exhausting weekend. I don't feel like working on the research article today. I'm going to watch TV"
Events: I watch TV and reflect on how I got no work done in the preceding 4 days

2 days before due date (Thursday):
Status of research article: All figures are done but no captions are written
Me to myself: "Ring delivery is tomorrow and all I can think of is where we're going to take pictures, what poses we're going to do, and what the captions will be for my Instagram posts.:
Events: I half-mindedly type some captions

Day before due date (Friday):
Status of research article: Figures and captions done and that's it
Me to myself: "RING DELIVERY"
Events: I try to work on the research article but I'm really just biding my time before I can start getting ready for ring delivery

Due date (11 hours before due time):
Status of research article: Figures and captions done and that's it
Me to myself: "I have all day to work on the research article"
Events: I casually work on research article

Due date (6 hours before due time):
Status of research article: Results section done
Me to myself: "Good job. You finished the results. That's like 50% of the grade."
Events: I feel slightly rushed

Due date (1 hour before due time):
Status of research article: Abstract and discussion still incomplete
Me to myself: "AHHH"
Events: I am typing as fast as I can

Due date (2 minutes before due time):
Status of research article: Research article is turned in and I can breathe
Me to myself: "I have never been so stressed in my life"

In summary, I really need to stop procrastinating.


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