What even is BE?
There’s so much to learn, and that’s something I learned in
MOD 3. We had such a hard time choosing a topic for the research proposal. And
once we found a good question to answer it was so hard to figure out how we
were going to do it!!
But I think that the research proposal helped me learn to
work under a lot of stress and having a lot of things to do. I had so many
things this week, including 2 exams and a production week for a dance show I
was in, which meant that my days were extremely busy. To get everything done, I
had to learn to be efficient (and run on very little sleep).
Here is a picture of me every single day this week:

Shoutout to Izumi for pipetting when I was too shaky to do it :(
I'm really happy that the research report is over (now onto the mini-report). It was really a roller coaster of emotions and ideas. Shoutout to Izumi for carrying me through this week. I really could not have gotten through this week without her support. Also I am so grateful for Leslie and the other 109 instructors for helping us through everything, and answering my frantic emails. You guys are the best!
I think it’s really hard to describe what biological
engineering is, but 20.109 has given me a better way to describe what it is. When my parents would ask me what I was studying, I would tell them it was bio mixed with engineering, but now I have a more solid answer to that question. The best thing about 20.109 though was getting to meet so many new people! I'm excited to take classes with all of you for the next two years.
Everyone has told me that course 20 is like a family, and I'm really starting to feel that!
20.109 has been the best class I have taken so far at MIT. My next classes have some big shoes to fill!!
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