The journey in the land of 3 modules

We are almost done with 20.109! I've learned so much in 20.109. I love that we were exposed to different parts of bioengineering through the 3 modules. We gained skills in doing western blot and gel electrophoresis back in Mod 1 (plus the really interesting small molecule microarray), the complicated (to me anyway) but useful RNAseq analysis in Mod 2, and the really cool experiment of making batteries with phages in Mod 3. In addition to unique experiments, we learned so many other essential parts of being bioengineers, such as writing reports, research papers, and reading research articles... Looking back, I've definitely come a long way since Mod 1.

Before 20.109, I would usually avoid clicking on any links to research articles, and try to use websites to find the information I need. Having read through and analyzed a whole research paper for journal club, my fear of reading research articles have definitely alleviated. I feel more confident in reading research articles for the information I need; I also realized that once I get down to read the research articles, I can find some really interesting topics contained within the research articles. 

I think 20.109 help enforce the idea that biological engineering is really about combining the use of biological systems, technologies, and designs to bring about imaginative solutions to both personal and societal questions. Thinking back to all three modules, all three modules attempted to find ways that can contribute to the health and environmental improvements of our society today. It is definitely hard because there are lots of factors that influence the outcomes of experiments, but bioengineering is always done with a purpose in mind.

I am thankful for all the faculty, staffs, peers (special shout out to my AMAZING lab partner) who contributed to my learning and were great sources of help in getting me through the 3 modules!

Great semester guys!
-- Shin


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