A bioengineering sampler

I've almost finished my first CI-M?! Am I a true Course 20 now, skilled in the ways of the force?!

Image result for you have much to learn young padawan quote 
There is still so much to learn and refine! However, I do feel more equipped as a bioengineer thanks to 20.109. The experimental techniques, biological concepts, and communication skills taught will be very applicable to my future research endeavors, including my UROP this summer. I also really appreciate the variety of topics approached in each of the 3 modules: from small molecule microarrays to cancer cells to virus-built batteries, I have enjoyed this sampling of these aspects of bioengineering.  The 20.109 staff have thoughtfully crafted a relevant curriculum that focuses on very current areas of bioengineering research.

A 20.109 care package <3:

By writing the research proposal, I was able to experience how expansive, creative, and fun bioengineering could be. My labmate and I proposed a liposome that would deliver copper ions inside antibiotic resistant bacteria to eliminate them. The phospholipids that compose the liposome would self-assemble and (hopefully!) encapsulate the copper ions in solution. Likewise, I hope I have been able to encapsulate a reasonable amount of the material presented in 20.109. Assembly, though, was not possible without the help of the teaching staff, CommLab instructors, and my peers!

Image credit: Thanks Natasha for the really cool liposome :)

All in all, it's been a good semester despite the many times I felt the work ahead of me was insurmountable. 20.109 was the class that definitely took up the most time, but I am glad to have made it through. When I came into 20.109, I barely remembered how to use a pipette (as it had been a year since I had been in a lab), and I am amazed at what I have come to learn throughout the course of the semester. Beyond any techniques, I have become more acquainted with creation and all the microscopic molecules that have resounding implications in the macroscopic world.



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